For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you came to visit me. (Matthew 25:35-36 NIV)
Our Partners

"People Helping People"
In recognition of GOD's concern for the needy,
We exist to assist Hunt County
Residents who need emergency help with food.
During the month of December 2023, we served 2342 family units for a total 13,714 individual members. This includes 710 families that received Christmas dinners. This brings the total to 24,263 families served and total individuals to 89,005 for the year.
- 2023 families served 24,263
- 2022 families served 15,098
- 2021 families served 9,458
- 2020 families served 11,098
- 2019 families served 4,506
- 2018 families served 4,732
We prepared to serve 20,000 families in 2023 and as you can see, we exceeded it by 4263 families. Only with God's help and your devotion to this mission can we complete the task God has for us. We are 100% volunteer and always will be.
We are preparing for next year. We added 1200 sq ft to our warehouse, 3 chest freezers, 1 "3 door" freezer, 1 upright freezer, 3 upright refrigerator/freezers and 4 new computers. The old ones could not keep up with the data we had to enter.
God Bless You!
Your brother in Christ Jesus.
Roger Taylor
Executive Director
Deuteronomy 15: 11. "For he poor will never cease out of the community; therefore, I command you, saying You shall open your hand wide unto your brothers and sisters, the poor and needy in the community."